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This listing is for a completeXbox 360 Replacement DVD Drive DG-16D2S with a new laser installed

Fully tested and supports all DG-16D2S and DG-16D2S-09C

The firmware rev. printed on your drive is irrelevant
Microsoft has updated all 74850C, 83850C and 93450C firmware to02510C
This drive can replace any 74850C, 83850C 93450C, and02510Cdrives

Before making this purchase, please note the following requirements:

This drive is intended for the Xbox 360 fat model/style and notfor the newer Xbox 360 Slim model.

All Xbox 360 DVD drives require the firmware be flashed with your original security key from your old drive.

Otherwise, it would not play any game discs.

Replacement Disc Drive For XBOX 360 Philips Lite-On DG-16D2S DG-16D2S-09C DVD

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